In May and June, we celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day weeks apart. So it’s not surprising that we don’t need to look far to encounter the fifth commandment everywhere: “Honor your father and mother.” (Exodus 20:12a NLT). Pastors teach on that passage, the stores stock shelves with gifts quoting the verse, and little children create the sweetest little crafts at church based on that commandment.
First shared with the Israelites, the 10 Commandments reveal God’s character, his values, and his expectations for relationships. A closer look at the fifth commandment shows that following it comes with a specific blessing, “Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12b). The “land” mentioned in the verse is the Promised Land and honoring mothers and fathers was a key component to a peaceful and orderly kingdom. But, what does it look like in today’s society to honor our fathers or the father figures in our lives? Use these 21 ways to find inspiration.
Fathers often bear significant burdens, both at home and in their professional lives. Plus, the world has a lot to say about what it means to be a man and father, which doesn’t usually reflect biblical teachings. So, pray for strength, resilience, and health. But, most importantly, pray that who he is as a man and father aligns with who God calls him to be. Share this prayer with him.
You can show the fathers in your life respect by expressing genuine appreciation for their hard work and provision, listening to their ideas and concerns with empathy, and offering encouragement in their roles as fathers.
We all want to feel seen and heard. Taking the time to write a note, send a text, or calling your father to thank him for his guidance and support through the years can show your dad he made a difference. This goes for your husband, too.
What do you think? What would you do? Can I get your perspective? Proverbs 1:8 instructs us: “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” So, reach out to your dad and ask for his counsel.
Throughout the Bible, God tells us to “remember” or “don’t forget.” The act of remembering all that He’s done and said keeps our hearts tethered to Him. Sharing favorite memories with your earthly dad can do the same. It’s also a great practice to do with your family.
Dedicate time to be with him. Dads want to spend time with their kids. Whether it’s your husband playing in the sprinkler with your toddler or your own dad sharing a cup of coffee with you, hanging out together in those everyday moments strengthens your relationship and gives you the space to talk.
Proverbs 16:24 says, “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Use your words to lift up the fathers in your life. Start by texting one of these:
He is going to say the wrong thing at the wrong time in the wrong tone. He is going to make mistakes in other ways, too. We all fall short and hurt the ones we love. Forgive him, just as God forgave you. And, by the way, forgiveness doesn’t always mean reconciliation, especially where deep pain or unrepented behavior exists. But, by choosing to forgive, we release our pain and allow God to start to heal our wounds.
Help him around the house. Cut the grass. Take out the trash. Cook dinner. Do the dishes. Or better yet, ask him how you can serve him. Sometimes just the simple act of asking how you can help, shows your dad that you love and honor him.
We’re called to honor our parents. While this traditionally focuses on obedience and respect, it can also encompass expressing our love. Most of us lead busy lives, and sometimes making the time to tell our fathers how much we appreciate them can be a powerful way to demonstrate that honor. So, go ahead and tell your dad, “I love you.”
Our culture teaches men they are valued for their work. It’s what they do that matters. This can often cause men to spend long hours working, including responding to messages during off hours or on vacation. God didn’t create us to work all the time. He showed us a rhythm of work and rest. So, encourage your husband and dad to take time to rest and rejuvenate.
“The tongue has the power of life and death” (Proverbs 18:21a). So, use your words to regularly speak blessings over the fathers in your life. Here are a few biblically-based blessings to get you started:
No one tests our patience quite like a family member. Right?! However, being patient with our loved ones, including our dad, is a way to show honor. Try memorizing Ephesians 4:2 so you can mumble it to yourself when you find your patience thinning, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
Practice honesty in all dealings with your dad but always speak the truth in love. Sometimes we avoid difficult conversations because they are, well, difficult. However, inviting the Holy Spirit to give you the words to say and the correct heart posture to take can help you speak truth in love.
Invite your dad over for dinner and movie night with the family. Share your kids’ baseball schedules, piano recital dates, and even the date for the school fundraiser night. Let him know you’d love for him to be there. Your father might be waiting for you to ask.
Want more ideas on how to honor the dads in your life?
Acknowledge and celebrate his achievements, big and small.
His faith journey will look different from yours. Keep praying for him and pointing Him towards Jesus.
Ensure he has what he needs physically and emotionally, especially as he gets older and his needs and the caregiving role evolves.
Acknowledge the sacrifices he has made for your family and maybe even our country.
Strive to reconcile any differences. While it’s not always possible on this side of heaven, take the steps the Holy Spirit leads you to take.
Show him the love of Christ through your actions and words.