The Benefit of Spending Time Away with the Father

Once a year, my son and I take a mommy and me trip. I birthed the idea in a no-beach-vacation year when we still wanted to go somewhere out of the ordinary. I had no idea that those two days away together would turn into one of the best trips I’ve ever been on and awaken me to one of life’s greatest truths: 

I needed this one-on-one time with my son, and I should prioritize it more often. He needed this one-on-one time with his mom and I should watch for signs when it’s needed most. The craving for closeness is an innate desire, ultimately placed within us to be fulfilled by our Heavenly Father. 

But before God revealed that to me, I remember asking myself: “Why does this level of connection mean so much to me? How is it that it almost feels…divine?” 

And then it hit me. The weekend getaway that I experienced with my son had an uncanny resemblance to Jesus’ retreat into the wilderness, the garden, and every other time He went away to pray and be with his Father. What I was craving—and what that weekend getaway satisfied—was the type of intimacy that can only be gained by removal.  

Jesus’ Example of Withdrawing 

Luke 5:15-16 says, “The news about (Jesus) spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” 

Jesus was a busy man with people traveling far distances to see and touch Him and then traveling far distances to get to other people. But never did Jesus forget the necessity of alone time with His Father. It was always a both/and scenario, where the demands of life were paired with withdrawal from life. Jesus knew this was the best way to be close with his Father.  

Jesus’ model of withdrawing to connect is actually a natural desire within us and should be exercised in nearly every area of our lives: 

** One-on-one time with our kids 

** Prioritizing our prayer life 

** Scheduling date nights with our spouse 

** Using our paid time off at work 

What area of your life needs time away with the Father? 

Take that step away, whatever it looks like for you, and remove yourself from the busyness of life. You will return refreshed, fulfilled, and better equipped to step back into life’s demands. Follow Jesus’ model of “withdrawing to lonely places and pray(ing)” and simply rest with our Father. 

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