Lead a Loving Life

Today and everyday let us simply say to God “I Love you” as we turn our attention toward Him. Laying our hearts totally open to God leads us to let his love come into our hearts…

He explodes Love in us! In the seclusion of our hearts we learn to know the hidden presence of God’s love; and with that knowledge of Love we lead a loving life.

This divine love we experience is “true and perfect love.”

So true and perfect it is the love of one who wants nothing for himself. God, in his divine love doesn’t give in order to get something back. He simply gives His love as a gift. There is no hope of reciprocity or ulterior motive. So in the pauses of the day let us say to God and one another “I Love you.”

In this practice of love we turn our hearts and thoughts to him, we then realize with a BIG YES! How truly wonderful He is. Our hearts enlarge for Him, our intimacy is strengthened, and we receive more of him and then are so full of extravagant love we can’t help but give it away! As we go to him for a “love refuel” He fills us up again…we become an endless fountain of love.

Live Loved!

Today and always.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2, NIV)

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