God’s Healing Tears

Raindrops splashing on the window, birds singing in the back ground, I open the window to hear nature singing their praises to God. When we can’t praise God, nature does it for us.

One of the Pastors of my church died from the Coronavirus, many of the staff are hospitalized. One of my dearest friends was hospitalized on a ventilator in New York. My son, who is a doctor, worked day and night and traveled to NYC to work in a hospital just for patients with Covid-19. 

As listen I look out the window. There’s a cemetery right there, two freshly dug graves. The cemetery lately has been very busy. Parades of people grieving. I and many others are surrounded by death.

I kneel by my bed. I pray “Lord, Jesus thank you for the rain, I feel your tears of love washing us clean. I call to memory the verse in John 11:35 ‘Jesus wept…”’

I plead: “May we feel your love, may our heart beat as one with yours” I now put on my rain coat and boots. I’m going to dance in the rain, why? Just because I can. 

Tears of joy and pain mingle with the drops of rain, raindrops of love & joy splash on my face as I look up to heaven. God is with us in this storm. This I know, for the Bible tells me so. Love, pure holy love is what I see, feel, taste & live as raindrops fall on my face.

God has used this time in my life and in many others to heal us from our own wounding memories. We are healed first of all by letting this pain be available.  Letting them out of the corners of our forgetfulness, remembering them as part of the story of our life. What is forgotten is unavailable and what is unknown cannot be healed…..

As we lift our painful forgotten memories out of our individualistic egocentric private sphere Jesus heals our wounds. 

As He enters into our wounds He connects with the pains of all humanity. A pain which he himself took upon himself and transformed. 

As we allow Jesus to heal our wounds we enter into the passion of all people of our planet, whether in the past, the present or the future. 

As I feel the rain drops hit my face I feel the broken heart of Jesus, which is the broken heart of God. To heal, then does not primarily mean to take our pain away, but to reveal that our pains are part of a greater pain, our sorrows are part of a greater sorrow.

We have the great opportunity to join with him who said “But was it not ordained that the Christ should suffer and so enter into the Glory of God” (Luke 24:26). In Jesus all human suffering is collected.

As I let Jesus heal me from my own wounds I remember in gratitude that maybe my wounds can be a path for the Glory of God to shine through. As I allow God’s light to shine through me joy floods my heart. God’s light is more radiant then all darkness, God’s truth more powerful than all human sin, God’s love is ALWAYS stronger than death.    

Drops of beauty are hidden in tragedy.

“Lord, help me to see that you Jesus have overcome the troubles of the world, we don’t have to walk this path alone.  I pray in this time of sorrow I will unite my sufferings with yours…and give thanks for the freeing power that has come into our lives because of your humble sacrifice of love.”

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