According to Your Word

“I lie in the dust, completely discouraged; revive me by Your word.” (Psalm 119:25, NLT)

Are you discouraged? Dry? Despondent? Distressed? Down in the dumps? Despaired? Dismissed? Disapproved? Disheartened? Downcast? Dejected?

Need a revival? Renewal? Refreshing? Rejuvenation? Recharging? Realignment? Revitalization? Restoration? Recovery? Reinforcement? Resuscitation?

You need the Word!

God’s Word is the very thing that revives us, produces faith and gives us the power we need to fulfill all the Lord has called us to be and do! “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17, NKJV)

The enemy knows the power of the Word of God better than most Christians and he works night and day in an effort to steal the Word from our minds and hearts. That’s why we have to be proactive in giving attention to the Word. If the enemy has been successful at robbing you of time in the Word—be encouraged today to be aggressive in your strategies to get the Word.

Read: Buy a new Bible and read it like it’s the first time. Underline words and phrases that speak to your heart and get excited about the Word again.

Listen: Download the Bible into your iTunes or buy the Bible on CD and listen to it as background “noise” while you are working, cleaning or driving. You’ll be amazed how much of that Word will get in your heart.

Sing: Pick a few verses, make up a tune and start singing verses of Scripture. You’ll be amazed how those passages will stick with you!

Quit: Stop reading all of the other stuff—the magazines, other “Christian” books, newspaper, ebooks and the like—until you have first read God’s Word for the day.

Go: Attend church on a regular basis and quit making excuses for “hit or miss” attendance. Give God a chance to speak to you through the messages by showing up!

God’s Word has the power to work effectually within us! Today, be revived according to His Word.

“I am afflicted very much; revive me, O LORD, according to Your word.” (Psalm 119:107, NKJV)

“Plead my cause and redeem me; revive me according to Your word.” (Psalm 119:154, NKJV)

Say It: “Father, thank You for reviving me according to Your Word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

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