A Well-Watered Morning

The lyrics to “Give Me Jesus” were originally an African American hymn that was sung during the days of slavery. These words were never intended to be ideas written on mugs, journals, or prints. They were meant to be lived, breathed, and understood. 

They were sung out of a deep realization that apart from Jesus, there is no good thing. King David understood this when he proclaimed, “I say to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you’” (Psalm 16:2). This is why the phrase “give me Jesus” carries so much weight with it. There is no good apart from Him. He is worthy of all our affection and the first moments of our day.

In Mark 1:35, we read about an encounter when Jesus woke up early to go and spend time with the Father. We aren’t told exactly what happened during this time, but we do know that He woke up early, went to a solitary place to be alone with the Father, and there He prayed. While He was praying, one of His disciples came and interrupted Him, asking where He had been. Jesus’ response is key. He doesn’t rebuke the disciple for interrupting Him, rather, He responds with grace and with purpose. His time with the Father gave Him the direction He needed for the day. Jesus modeled for us that how we spend the first moments of our mornings affects the rest of our days.

Instead of immediately giving the world our attention by scrolling through social media, checking emails, or going straight to our to-do lists, we should follow the wise advice of Charles Spurgeon: “It is a good rule never to look into the face of a man in the morning till you have looked into the face of God.” 

Give Jesus the first minutes of your day. Look first into His wonderful face and then go forward, reflecting Him, embracing interruptions, and sharing the gospel through your everyday routine.


What does the phrase “give me Jesus” mean to you? How can you live your life proclaiming this to the world? Look up the following verses and let them help shape what a “give me Jesus” life looks like: Galatians 1:10, Galatians 2:19-20, Philippians 1:21 & 27, John 3:30, Romans 13:14, and John 15:1-5.

How can you give Jesus the first moments of your day? Write Psalm 90:14 in a journal as your prayer for today. Consider memorizing this verse and writing it on a notecard to carry with you as a reminder.

Starting the day with Jesus,


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