9 Psalms That Speak to a Mother’s Heart

As moms, our days are full of emotions—those of our children and our own. But as Christians, we have the privilege to bring those emotions to God, the Creator of the universe. We even have examples of how we can do so throughout Scripture, especially in the book of Psalms. I hope you will find that these nine psalms speak to your mother’s heart.

Though a verse or two of each psalm is included, I invite you to open your Bible and read the entirety of each psalm.

Confessing to God

One of the ways we can approach God with our feelings is by confessing those emotions we wish to lay down.

We do not need to be ashamed of our feelings, but we also do not need to hold on to those who are not helpful to us.

Let us lay down our worries and anger with trust that God will help us by praying these psalms.

Worry (Psalm 37, NLT)

“Be still in the presence of the Lord,

and wait patiently for him to act.

Don’t worry about evil people who prosper

or fret about their wicked schemes.” (v. 7)

Will my children grow up to be kind? Will my kids always be friends? Is my child making safe choices? What kind of friends will my kids make? Who will they marry? Are my kids eating enough vegetables? Am I a good enough mom?

Though we know we aren’t supposed to worry about anything, it feels built into our DNA as a mama. Our world can be big and scary, and we want comfort in knowing that we are doing enough to raise and protect our children.

Anger (Psalm 109)

“He loved to curse others;

now you curse him.

He never blessed others;

now don’t you bless him.” (v. 17)

Overwhelm, exhaustion, and fear can sometimes drive us to respond in anger. Whether it is justified anger over the sin and brokenness of this world or our sinful anger with traffic or a spilled cup of milk, we can bring it to the Lord as David did. Then, we can trust God with the outcome.

Lamenting to God

Sometimes, we know we can’t do what we want to do, or we can’t do anything. We are hurt, scared, grieving, or lonely with no control of a situation. God is omnipotent, meaning all-powerful, and He cares for you.

Justice (Psalm 35)

“O Lord, oppose those who oppose me.

Fight those who fight against me.

Put on your armor, and take up your shield.

Prepare for battle, and come to my aid.” (vs. 1-2)

When someone bullies our child, lies about us at work, or gossips about our family, we want justice. Though our desire might be to seek it ourselves, we know God will fight our battles. Yet, that knowledge doesn’t always satisfy our emotions.

If we are honest, sometimes we wish harm or ill on those who have hurt us or especially those who have hurt our children. God understands, and David models a healthy response to this desire for justice in Psalm 35.

Fear (Psalm 27)

“The Lord is my light and my salvation—

so why should I be afraid?

The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger,

so why should I tremble?” (v. 1)

When I was pregnant with my fourth daughter, she had fetal SVT, meaning her heart rate would shoot up to the 200s 40 percent of the time. It was scary. I knew God was in control. I knew God was good. But I was still scared.

I couldn’t shake the fear, but I could confess it and be honest with God about my feelings. Instead of shaming myself for being afraid, I just repeatedly brought it to God and asked for His help, both with my daughter’s health and my feelings about it

God healed her, and she is now a healthy and fearless 5-year-old.

Loneliness (Psalm 13)

“How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?

How long will you hide your face from me?

How long must I wrestle with my thoughts

and day after day have sorrow in my heart?” (vs.1-2)

I don’t know how motherhood can be lonely while at the same time rarely allowing any alone time, but this has been my experience. Maybe you have felt that way, too?

We can bring this to the Lord, and He can simultaneously comfort our loneliness and our need for solitude. Psalm 13 may help you to express these emotions and needs to the Lord.

Petitioning God’s Help

Family Discipleship (Psalm 78)

“We will not hide these truths from our children;

we will tell the next generation

about the glorious deeds of the Lord,

about his power and his mighty wonders.” (v. 4)

In Deuteronomy 6, parents are commissioned to teach their children about God and His Word when they are getting up, going to bed, at home, and on the road. This is a big job, but one that God wants to equip us to do.

Psalm 78 repeats this calling and gives us more direction on how to help our children know about God, His power, and His mighty wonders. This verse even goes on to tell of many of the mighty wonders of God and His story with His people.

In Overwhelm (Psalm 121)

“I look up to the mountains—

does my help come from there?

My help comes from the Lord,

who made heaven and earth!” (vs. 1-2)

Touched out, too long of a to-do list, kids fighting, and piles upon piles of laundry can get the best of us. While God probably won’t do your laundry, He is an ever-present help for you, and you desire to call out to Him so that He can support and sustain you.

Celebrating God

With all the emotions of motherhood, we also experience tremendous joy and blessings. Let us not forget to celebrate God and His goodness in those moments.

God’s Goodness (Psalm 16)

“You will show me the way of life,

granting me the joy of your presence

and the pleasures of living with you forever.” (v. 11)

All that we have—family, friends, opportunities, and things—are because of the goodness of God. When we remain in His presence, we have access to wisdom, joy and abundant life. What a gift, simply because He is good, and He loves us.

The Blessing of Children (Psalm 139)

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!

Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” (v.14)

When you become a mom, you understand God’s love differently. The love you have for your child allows you to reflect on the intensity and unconditional nature of God’s love for His children.

As you thank the Lord for the blessing of your children, mama, don’t forget that you are deeply and unconditionally loved by God as well. Allow that to sustain you through all the emotions you experience in your daily life.

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