4 Opportunities to Pause and Hear God’s Melody in the Stillness

As the school year comes to a close and sports seasons finish up, our daily routines begin to slow down a bit. This comes as a welcome season for me and my family. I love the slow, simple and carefree feel of summer.

It can be tempting to fill our schedules with vacations, barbecues, camping trips, lake days and road trips. While these are all great things, we want to be mindful not to overbook our days. Summer allows us to create a new daily rhythm: one that makes time for soaking in God’s goodness.

Sometimes, in busy seasons of life, when we’re rushing from one thing to the next, it’s difficult to truly take the time to notice and appreciate our blessings. If we slow down physically and mentally, even if only for a moment, we realize how evident God is in our day-to-day lives. Here are four opportunities to be intentional about tuning our ears to hear God’s melody in this current season.

Hearing God’s Melody Through His Word

Sometimes, we can feel lost. The good news is that even though we usually can’t audibly hear God’s voice, He didn’t leave us empty-handed. In addition to the Holy Spirit, He left us His Word.

He gave us a book full of living and active truth, one that applies to generation after generation. Yet, often, we take for granted the fact that we have access to biblical history, a glimpse into Jesus’s life, an account of the Early Church, instructions for Christian living and future prophecies, all in one book!

When we go about our days without taking time to truly reflect on His Word, it can seem to lose its significance in our lives. Slower seasons give us an amazing opportunity to dwell on scripture, creating a habit of daily encounters with Jesus. This creates a rhythm that we should intentionally continue throughout the busy seasons as well.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

Hearing God’s Melody Through Nature

As I sit writing this, I’m staring out at the vast Pacific Ocean. I’m listening to waves crash along the shore and feeling my fingers go numb from the freezing winds. I’m also reminded of God’s majesty through creation.

I feel myself drawn to nature more and more, whether I’m burying my bare feet in the soft sand or walking alongside the rushing river surrounded by trees. The beauty and peace of nature bring on an incomparable sense of awe of our Creator.

As the weather turns, bringing warmer days and longer hours of sunshine, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy it. While you’re out, look around and notice the incredible beauty and thoughtful details.

Listen: hear the water flow, the birds singing, and the wind rustling through the bushes. Close your eyes: feel the elements on your face, whether it’s the warm sun or cleansing rain.

Breathe deeply and thank God for this stunning world He created.

“O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures innumerable, living things both small and great” (Psalm 104:24-25).

Hearing God’s Melody in Our Relationships

Another thing that tends to fall by the wayside during the busy seasons of life is our connections with our friends and family. It’s a sad realization but often true. When we’re all constantly on the go, it seems impossible to coordinate time to spend with one another.

God created us to have relationships and communities with one another. When we gather with other believers, it gives us a chance to grow and learn from each other.

As summer approaches and our schedules begin to shift, let’s be intentional about setting aside time to maintain and deepen our friendships with others. Let’s admire God’s goodness as we laugh with, listen to, and encourage one another.

“Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel” (Proverbs 27:9).

Hearing God’s Melody in the Everyday Moments

Have you heard people say, “You find what you’re looking for”? In other words, if you’re looking for reasons to be negative, you’re going to find them!

However, if you go throughout your day looking for things to be grateful for, you’ll likely find those instead.

God is there in our everyday moments.

He’s there with you when you’re doing your 3rd load of laundry of the day. He’s there when you’re at the grocery store checkout line with a toddler who is very loudly expressing that she was done shopping 20 minutes ago. He’s there with you while you’re cooking dinner for your family or watching your kids play out back.

In our day-to-day lives, God is there in the details. He wants us to talk to Him throughout our days, acknowledge his presence, and thank Him for the “little” things.

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).

Is God’s Voice Background Music or the Theme Song in Your Life?

There’s a reason people often refer to the Holy Spirit as a “still, small voice.”

It’s because often we must slowdown to hear it clearly.

Will we go about our days cramming in as much as we can, barely noticing his voice? Or will we take a moment to be still before him, letting it soak into our hearts and allowing it to lead us throughout our day?

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