When Your Prayers For Grandchildren Go Unanswered
Simple Moments with Jesus
When Your Prayers For Grandchildren Go Unanswered
Patrons gathered at tiny tables and booths as Jennifer and Laura sipped warm lattes at their neighborhood coffee shop. Jennifer loved coffee dates with her daughter…
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The Power of a Bonus Mom
For most of my high school and college years, Mama Pat was my safe place. As one of our “youth group moms,” she helped serve supper…
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Peace with the Psalms: 40 Readings to Relax Your Mind and Calm Your Heart
We live in a busy world; from work and family obligations to friendships and faith, daily life can sometimes make us dizzy with stress or overcome…
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Parent/Child Conversation Prompts
Katie Kenny Phillips, author of iDisciple’s God, You Make Me Feel children’s series, understands that children need to see God’s love put into practice at home…
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9 things God wants you to know today
Through all these seasons of seasons of life, God wants us to keep the right perspective. He wants us to remember that He is with us…
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Why Do We Buy Into The Superwoman Myth?
Every few months, it seems, we head to the movies for the latest adventures of our favorite superheroes. (We will admit that the Feldhahn clan falls…
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