Singing in the Dark – What to Do When You’re Afraid
Simple Moments with Jesus
Singing in the Dark – What to Do When You’re Afraid
How do you respond when you’re afraid? Some people speed talk. Others sing in the dark, bolstering their courage by the sound of their voice. You…
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The Simple Truth About God's Love
When I was just a little girl, there was only one thing my growing heart needed to be shaped safe and confident (and I imagine yours,…
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9 Things Married Women Need to Stop Doing
One of my all-time most popular posts addressed the 9 things married men need to stop doing. It went viral and started countless conversations about how men can and should stop some common behaviors and attitudes that are hindering their marriages.
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Taming Baby Elephants: The Annual Comment About Marriage
This weekend, Lane and I will hit the one-year mark of marriage. That's a whole 365 days of trying to love one another well. Right after…
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The Meaning of 1 Corinthians 13 and Why It is so Popular
Why do people love 1 Corinthians 13?
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9 Things Married Women Need to Stop Doing
One of my all-time most popular posts addressed the 9 things married men need to stop doing. It went viral and started countless conversations about how…
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