Spring Cleaning and Creative Miracles
Simple Moments with Jesus
Spring Cleaning and Creative Miracles
How do you wash your windows? Do you wash your windows? My sister is a window-washing pro. She’s got the squeegee, the streak-free cleaner, and the…
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How to See What's New in Seasons We Think We Know
In my house, Easter does not mean new dresses — it means the replenishment of khakis, as every year finds us with three boys sporting pants…
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10 Symptoms of a Struggling Marriage
How we choose to prioritize the relationships in our lives greatly affects our marriage. Unless we are intentional
our marriage will fall to the bottom of our priority list. And we’ll end up having an “upside-down marriage”.
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3 Places to Look When You Are Desperate For Renewal
Heading into spring each year, I feel a deep sense of longing for the same things: warmth on my face, green in the landscape, and color…
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7 Ways a Christian Wife Cherishes Her Husband
If your wife does these things, be prepared for a lifetime of happiness.
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10 Symptoms of a Struggling Marriage
How we choose to prioritize the relationships in our lives greatly affects our marriage. Unless we are intentional, our marriage will fall to the bottom of…
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