The Blessings Jar: A Simple Way to Embrace Gratitude
Simple Moments with Jesus
The Blessings Jar: A Simple Way to Embrace Gratitude
"It's here!" I heard my son yell as he ran from the mailbox the other day. He had a huge smile on his face as he…
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Higher Education Alternatives
Allow me to give you permission to ask a radical question. What if you didn’t send your young adult to college? . . .you’re probably already…
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Three Things To Never Say To Your Husband
In research with thousands of men I learned these hurt far more than your man (or your son!) will ever let on. So let’s agree to put these on our no-no list. Keep reading to find out the three phrases:
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5 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Anchored in Christ
One of the best things we can do for our marriages is to keep them anchored in Christ. How do we do this? It takes more…
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7 Marks of a Godly Husband
If your husband possesses these qualities, he reflects God in His relationship with you.
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Three Things To Never Say To Your Husband
In research with thousands of men I learned these hurt far more than your man (or your son!) will ever let on. So let’s agree to…
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