7 Ways to Strengthen Your Faith and Your Marriage at the Same Time

Do you find yourself trying to improve your marriage as well as your faith? It’s only natural for us to strive to be better at the things that are important to us. Your relationship with your spouse is the most significant, and likely the most challenging, earthly relationship you’ll have. If you’re looking for ways to grow your faith and your marriage, the good news is that you can do both simultaneously!

It may be tempting to try to compartmentalize the two, keeping them in their own separate tidy boxes. But the truth is, for Christians, faith isn’t just another part of our lives. Every aspect of who we are revolves around it—including our marriages! So, how can we practically grow our faith and our marriage at the same time?

1. Encourage Your Spouse Daily

A little encouragement can go a long way. But sometimes, in the busyness of our day-to-day life, it’s something we can overlook in our marital relationships. We should be looking for ways we can build each other up throughout the day. Here are a few practical examples:

  • Thank you for…
  • You’re really good at…
  • I appreciate the way you…
  • I’m proud of you for…
  • I love how you…
  • I’m praying for…

Encouraging others can be beneficial in all your relationships, as it builds a foundation of positive communication and appreciation. What does it have to do with your faith, though? Well, if you’ve spent any time in the New Testament (specifically Paul’s writings to the early church), encouragement is a widely discussed topic. Paul writes to encourage believers in their faith and instructs them to encourage each other. Anytime we’re modeling biblical principles, it aligns us with God’s character.

2. Pray For Each Other

Most of us desire for our spouses to flourish. We want them to grow in their walk with the Lord, to succeed in their jobs, to have the energy they need throughout the day, to be encouraged or to resist temptation. As the ones we love most in this life, we want the best for our spouses.

What more powerful tool is there than prayer? It’s more beneficial than nagging and more effective than any type of human manifestation ever could. If you’re wondering how to start praying for your husband, it can be helpful to go through a guided daily prayer list with specific topics and scriptures each day.

3. Respect One Another

If someone asks, “Do you respect your spouse?” you would probably be quick to answer, “Yes.” At least, I hope you will! When it comes to showing respect, though, it can be easier said than done. How well do we listen to our spouse when they share something with us? How do we speak to them, even when we disagree? Are we careful with our words, even when we’re hurting? Are we quick to get defensive?

The Bible refers to marriage as a model of the relationship between Christ and the church. He gives us instructions to treat each other with selfless, loyal, respectful, sacrificial love. Marriage involves two people becoming one—just as Christ and the Church are one.

Do we show our significant other the same kind of love Christ demonstrated for us? That can seem like a daunting responsibility, but here are a few practical ways you can honor God and your husband at the same time:

●      Speak kindly to and about your spouse, even when you don’t feel like it.

●      Listen with understanding, enthusiasm, and encouragement.

●      Remember, you’re united in Christ – act like you’re on the same team.

●      Support him as he leads your family in spiritual growth.

Value your relationship above all earthly ones (second only to God). Ensure your spouse knows that his opinions and needs matter more to you than anyone else’s

4. Forgive Each Other

I know it is probably not anyone’s favorite topic. Forgiveness is necessary—in marriage and in the body of Christ. Whenever imperfect people do life together, someone’s going to mess up and need to be forgiven. No one can hurt you quite like the people you love the most, which makes them the hardest to forgive.

When we forgive our spouses, we exhibit God’s character, reflecting the incredible forgiveness He has shown us.

5. Read the Bible Together

As important as it is for individuals to spend time in the Word on their own, it’s beneficial for couples to read and study passages together as well. My husband and I just recently started doing this in the evenings before watching shows. It’s been such an excellent way to connect and spend time together. Reading together allows us to delve into the context of the passage, compare different translations, and bring up any questions we might have.

If you haven’t incorporated reading the Bible together into your marriage, I would highly recommend it. Not only does it bring you and your spouse together at the end of the day, but it also increases your biblical understanding and keeps Christ at the center of your marriage.

6. Participate in a Community Group

If you’re part of a church, you’ve probably heard of community groups. These are usually more intimate settings at someone’s house where small groups of Christians spend time together developing relationships with one another and discussing God’s Word.

Sometimes, as a married couple, it can be tempting to keep to yourselves in the comfort of your own home. However, when you open yourself up to developing spiritual connections with others, there’s so much beauty and growth.

There’s something special about sitting in a room full of other believers, sharing openly, discussing biblical topics, and praying together. God designed us to be in community with one another—to encourage, support and disciple each other.

7. Pray Together

I’ve always been a little uncomfortable praying in front of people, so this one doesn’t come naturally to me. However, going to God in prayer as a couple refocuses your relationship on Christ. It keeps you united in Him while bringing you closer to each other.

My husband’s great at reminding me when we need to pray together about something, whether it’s before a trip, in times of uncertainty, when we need clarity or even when we can’t reach an agreement.

Turning to God takes the focus off of us. Sometimes, the last thing we think about doing in a situation is praying. We spend so much time worrying about the issue and trying to problem-solve ourselves before bringing it to God. By coming together to pray, we set the tone for our marriage and our family, exemplifying to our kids how important it is to turn to prayer in our everyday lives.

A Faith-Filled Marriage

Our relationships with others are direct reflections of our relationship with Christ. Your faith will grow as you display God’s character in your interactions with your spouse. Likewise, as you grow in the knowledge of His Word, your strengthened faith will produce a healthy, fruitful marriage.

In our marriages and our walks of faith, there’s always room to learn more. The best thing we can do for a thriving marriage is earnestly seek God.

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