What to Pray as You Parent

Yesterday, we talked about our role in our kids’ lives and how although prayer is one of the most important things we can do for our kids, it cannot happen in a vacuum. There are times we need to be praying for the Lord to use us and change us to transform our kids.

What happens in our own lives has an incredible impact on our little ones so I want to make sure to be intentional to cover my parenting in prayer.

Today I wanted to share some of the specific things I pray for myself as I mother. There are 6 things to pray so you can pray one each day of the week (and have a grace day! 


I am always praying for energy and rest. If I am energized, it changes the way I parent. It increases my joy and helps me respond to my girls better so it’s super important to keep lifting this up to the Lord.

Father, I need you to energize me. I simply can’t do this on my own. I thank you for this dependence because it keeps me coming back to you. I pray for an energy that the world can’t give. I pray that my energy would point, not just my kids, but others to you as they know full well I’m not capable of this on my own. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


This one is quite possibly the hardest for me. We run and operate our lives after 20-40 years experience and knowledge and for some reason, demand our kids (who’ve only been around for a handful of years) to keep up. I hold a high standard for myself so it’s easy for me to expect more than my kids are capable of.

Father, patience does not have to be a scary thing to pray for when I am praying to the God of the universe who is capable of more than I can imagine. Transform me. Give me eyes to see my kids the way they really are. Give me wisdom and discernment when they need another try, a second chance or 5 more minutes to simply put a shirt on. Let me admire the slow growth that is happening in them instead of force the pace to quicken. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Grace & Acceptance.

When I am reminded of how much grace I’ve been given, I see how inconsistently I can parent. Giving grace to our kids demonstrates firsthand what grace feels like so when we explain the love of God and the grace He gave us, it’s more tangible.

Father, before I respond to my kids, let me be reminded of how much I have been forgiven of. Let me put myself in their shoes and remember I’m your child who screws things up and benefits from a benevolent Father. Let your acceptance and grace for me teach me how to pour that onto my kids. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


I get heartbroken when I see the neglected faces of kids sitting right next to a parent who’s not present. It’s heartbreaking because I know I do this to my own girls. When I see glimpses of transformation though, I see what a difference it makes in their spirit and hope and pray to always remember how my attention affects them!

Father, I long to be present with my kids. Slow me down. Don’t let me hide behind rationalizations that I need to stay on my phone, keep working, text a friend if you are calling me to be present with my kids. I want the best for them and if my attention in a moment is best, call me to it. I choose right now to obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Wisdom & Discernment.

I remember reading that Stormie Omartian prayed for God to give her discernment to know if her kids were lying to her. It seemed so bold! She even told her kids she prayed for this. But what a freeing feeling to partner with God on something that can cause such unsettledness in our hearts, knowing if our kids are being truthful with us.

Father, direct my steps. Give me wisdom to make decisions for my kids. For every matter there seems to be an even balance of pros and cons and it can weigh so heavy on me to carry the responsibility of having to make decisions on their behalf. I pass this off to you. Not because I don’t care, but because I know your plan is best. Lead me Lord and give me the courage to obey immediately. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


If we really trust God’s unconditional love for our kids – that it’s vastly more than we could ever love them – I think we’d experience a lot more peace about our kids and feel less of a need to control things.

Father, I release my kids to you. I know they are safer in your arms than in mine, though I forget that often. Help me to trust your beautiful plan that is immeasurably more than I could dream up for them myself. Send me little signs and make me so aware of your hand at work so that I don’t doubt your involvement in their lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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